The Haltwhistle Partnership was delighted to be able to fill the gap left by the Save the Children Charity who closed their charity shops in the town in January 2023 by supporting the opening and running of Haltwhistle Community Shop and Haltwhistle Community Bookshop in April 2023.
Both shops are next door to each other on Westgate. The shop volunteers and Partnership Trustees work incredibly hard to ensure all the necessary policies, procedures and equipment remains in place and up to date to ensure the smooth running of the shops. We are very grateful to them all. Our thanks also goes to our wonderful community who continue to donate goods regularly to both shops and support us further by making purchases.
We are grateful to Northumberland County Council's Community Chest Fund for funding to help set up the shops with essential equipment and for a grant to fund the installation of energy efficient lighting and heating.
All surpluses from both Community Shops are used for charitable purposes in line with the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Haltwhistle Partnership for the benefit of the communities of Haltwhistle and its 10 surrounding parishes.
After a year of trading, resulting in a surplus of £40,000, a Community Shops Fund has been set up and will award funding to community projects twice a year. Details can be found here.
Bookshop Opening Hours - 9.30am to 4pm Monday to Saturday including Bank Holidays. Bookshop phone 07774 491 948, email
Community Shop Opening Hours - 10am to 3.30pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and 10am to 1pm Wednesdays and Saturdays. Closed on Bank Holidays. Email