Volunteering Opportunities
The Haltwhistle Partnership has various volunteering opportunities so whatever your interest if you want to help, please make contact in the first instance with our Chairman Julie Gibbon.
We welcome new volunteers to help with the following all aspects of our work including:
Community Shops - The Partnership operates two community shops on Westgate - a general charity shop and a bookshop. These are run entirely by volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering to help please call in to the shops and talk to our volunteers.
Sustainability - in its widest sense. We are looking for 2 volunteers to receive Carbon Literacy training and 1 volunteer to receive training in signposting energy advice. Also if you are interested in helping to make Haltwhistle and district Carbon Neutral then please make contact.
Station Adoption Team - looking after Haltwhistle Railway Station, litter picking, reporting faults, locking and unlocking the waiting rooms.
Community Gardeners - looking after the garden at the rear of Westbourne House and various beds around the town including the tubs at the Railway Station. The group meet on Wednesday mornings at 10am.
Haltwhistle Growing Together Community Allotment - looking after the polytunnel, herb, fruit and vegetable beds in the garden at Hillside, 33 Park Avenue, Haltwhistle (bottom of the school drive). Meeting times vary depending on the season.
Older People's Project - supporting older people with weekly coffee mornings (Tuesdays 10am to noon), monthly lunch club and a monthly memory cafe.
Zigzag - supporting those feeling isolated for whatever reason. Meet twice a month for activities and chat.
Trustees - helping to run the Partnership including supporting and initiating projects, operating residential and commercial property, advocating for and representing the community.
Management Committee - helping to guide and run the Partnership's projects, without having the responsibilities of being a Trustee.
Working Groups - helping to develop and run projects under the guidance of the Trustees e.g. Community Projects WG, Renewables WG, Community Shops WG.
HISS - Haltwhistle is Something Special In partnership with Sustainable Haltwhistle and the Tyne Valley Community Rail Partnership, volunteers research and prepare information for the poster exhibitions displayed in the waiting room on platform 1 at Haltwhistle station. We are grateful to Cross Country trains for their financial support for the graphic design work and to Northern for permitting us to display the posters.