The information below covers our policies regarding Cookie on this site. We do not collect any personal information at all about you on this site. This information was last updated on 3rd January 2017.

Use of cookies

Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. They cannot be used to identify you personally.

They are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the site. Cookies are just harmless files. Cookies cannot look into information stored on your hard-drive. It is technically impossible for cookies to read personal information. Cookies can only store data that is provided by the server or generated by an explicit user action.

Can cookies be used to run programs and deliver viruses on your PC? No. Cookies cannot be used to run programs or to deliver viruses to your computer.

You may delete cookies or prevent them being created and it should not impact your use of this site.

We only use two types of cookie on this site. One type is a Session cookie. Session cookies ("non-persistent cookie") are cookies that only exist as long as your session on the web site lasts and expires as soon as you leave the website. The primary purpose of session cookies is to help with navigation, such as by indicating whether or not you've already visited a particular page and retaining information about your preferences once you've visited a page. Session cookies can help speed up the time a page to load. So session cookies are used to facilitate your activities within that site. A web browser normally deletes session cookies when it quits.

We also use a Persistent cookie. A persistent cookie will outlast user sessions. If a persistent cookie has its Max-Age set to 1 year, then, within the year, the initial value set in that cookie would be sent back to the server every time the user visited the server. This could be used to record a piece of information such as how the user views this website (font size and contrast themes for example).

The table below describes this sites use of cookies and their type. Where cookies are persistent the duration of that cookie is provided.


Most web browsers allow some control of most cookies through the browser settings. To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them, visit